RGA Forensics
Architectural and Engineering Forensic Experts
Providing customized expert witness solutions through experience and cutting-edge technology

RGA Forensics focuses on 5 major areas of expertise:

Here at RGA Forensics, we strive to provide our clients with superior expert witness services by combining the latest in technological advances with the knowledge and expertise of our staff, gained through decades of training and experience
One expert can't see every angle alone. That's why we have assembled a team of experts from different disciplines and backgrounds who work together to examine a site from a 360 degree perspective and determine the best way to move forward
Whether an incident involves a slip and fall, a milestone inspection, a damage assessment, a code violation, an accident scene investigation and reconstruction, or any of the other areas in which we specialize, we provide a tailored and customized expert witness solution to meet the needs of our client's particular situation
We aim to deliver this expert advice in a timely and efficient manner, handling each matter with a high level of accountability and responsiveness


Forensic Expert/Architect
FL license #AR0007521

Code Analyst

Building Code Expert

While RGA Forensics is located in beautiful Tampa, Florida we provide expert witness services to clients all around the United States
Companies / Organizations
Pilot Travel Centers
Perkins Restaurant & Bakery
Westin Hotels & Resorts
Holiday Inn
Tampa Housing Authority
CNA Insurance Agency
The Catholic Archdiocese of Little Rock
Bank of America
Circle K
Monroe County, FL (Key West)
Wells Fargo
Hartford Insurance
TECO Energy
Law Firms
The Cochran Firm - New Orleans, LA
Morgan & Morgan - Tampa, FL
Stritmatter Law Firm - Seattle, WA
Crowley Fleck - Evanston, WY
Becker & Poliakoff - West Palm Beach, FL
The Chafin Law Firm - Williamson, WV
Foley & Laudner - Jacksonville, FL
Reminger - Indianapolis, IN
Anesi Ozmon Rodin Novak Kohen - Chicago, IL
Leesfield Scolaro - Miami, FL
The Miller Law Firm - New Orleans, LA
Simon Reed & Salazar - Miami, FL
Leasor Crass - Corpus Christi, TX
Maynard Cooper & Gale - Birmingham, AL
Quintairos Prieto Wood & Boyer - Atlanta, GA
Wright Lindsay Jennings - Little Rock, AR
Gray Robinson - Jacksonville, FL
The Perenich Law Firm - Tampa, FL
Montero Law Group - Silver Spring, MD
McCarter & English - Dayton, OH
Duhigg Cronin - Albuquerque, NM
Cherry & Irwin - Dothan, AL
We use AutoDesk Revit, a building information modeling software package, to recreate an accident scene that has been altered or destroyed to the conditions as close as possible to the way they were on the day of the incident. The program uses data collected from sources such as the original site plans and photos from the scene to create a 3 dimensional rendering that reconstructs the scene with a level of detail that would not otherwise be feasible.

We use a DJI Phantom 4 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to map sites for accident scene reconstruction. Once the drone has collected images from its flight, the data can be used to create maps and models from the scene with a high level of detail. The models give our experts a perspective of the accident scene that would not be achievable through a normal site inspection. We've found that this perspective which the drone images provide leads to the discovery of vital information.

Through the use of several different programs, our in-house animation team can recreate the circumstances of an accident as close as possible to the way it occurred at the time of the event. The animation gives a visual retelling of events that a rereading of testimony cannot duplicate. The video to the right is a recreation of events at an indoors sport facility where a person fell through a window.